Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Belize 2008

Corozal is a city of nearly 10,000 people and the roads are somewhat difficult to navigate.  Speed bumps slow down traffic on a few roads but most of them have enough potholes that they aren't needed.  Some intersections have traffic signs but most do not.  Most drivers are courteous and defer to each other but sometimes it's hard to know who is going where when you get to an intersection.  Roosevelt is a careful driver and he watches the traffic closely at each intersection.  There are many walkers and bikers and it's especially hard to see them at night.  Navigating some roads is like doing alpine skiing... the slalom... as you weave in and out looking for the least number of holes and uneven places in the road. 
No more time now... we still need to finish mudding the ceiling and building the ceiling under the church entrance.  We're also going to replace the backboard on a basketball goal. 
     - Gary 

Wednesday Afternoon

Wednesday, February 27, 2008
We have some down time this afternoon as there was only a half day of school (teachers' meeting), and the men have completed taping and mudding the ceiling of the new church already. Right now there are 7 of them working on putting up a new backboard on the basketball goal in the playground. It is at most a 2 person job :) Verlee is nursing a headache, and thinks it might be from the change in the weather. A cold front is coming, and the temperatures are due to drop into the 60's, but not for long. It has been in the low 90's, but there is always a breeze off the Caribbean, which is right outside our front door. No one has a/c, so we sleep with fans.
All of us except Don and Gary took a walk in to see the city market after lunch. Don was working on Roosevelt's van, and Gary is trying to get the swelling down in his ankle -- it doesn't hurt, but is very swollen. The good news is that the swelling in his knee is less -- the fluid just migrated south.
It is so fun to walk the streets of Corozal and have kids recognize you. Today, as we passed a tiny, tiny dwelling, a little girl sitting on the stoop shouted "Miss Lou! Hello!", then disappeared into the house and out came 3 more girls who had been in one of my classes. After hugs and kisses they reluctantly let us go on. Jim met a boy he had played basketball with before school started this morning. He asked when we were leaving Corozal, and Jim said "We're leaving Friday morning". The boy pleaded "Can't you leave Friday night?"
Tomorrow we leave for the town of Libertad, to repeat the assembly (and talent show) that we presented today here. 

The Eyeball Balloons Added Much Excitement

Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Today provided a change of pace. We started out with an all school assembly with about 400 students. It was a blessing to hear them singing as Carolyn led them. Lou and Verlee prepared a lesson comparing why we need different tools in a tool box with people having different talents. The lesson included the need to fully develop and use our talents. Verlee shared the lesson with the students. Gary truly impressed the children and adults by balancing a step ladder on his chin and Mark demonstrated more talent by juggling tennis balls. This team really has a lot of talent.  
Jeremy, Amanda, Robert, James and Don all helped as we talked about the fruit of the Spirit. The eyeball balloons added much excitement.
The rest of the morning and during the afternoon we continued to work on the church. After lunch we took a few minutes to take a short walking tour of the city market and surrounding area. At 6:00 this evening we are going to a worship service followed by a meal at the church. What blessings!
In Christ,
     - John

On Tuesday we did more work on the church ceiling. It is almost complete now. We also have to work on the canopy over the entrance to the church. Everything has us up high this year!  But I didn't really want to send you another scaffolding picture. I thought you might like to see a picture of some of the kids. They are all very friendly as expected and love for you to take their picture. John and Mark have taken to playing a quick game of basketball at recess and other times with the kids. It can be rather difficult when they are all wearing the same uniform! But the kids love it, and that's what's important!

Wednesday we did our assembly with the kids in Corozal. There were around 400 students from preschool to around age 12 or 13. We sang songs, talked about our talents and the fruits of the spirit. Particularly entertaining and amazing was Gary's talent of balancing just about anything. The most impressive one was when he balanced an aluminum ladder on his chin. I think the kids were duly impressed. I know I was! We later handed our balloons with eyeballs on them out to all the children and had a great time "looking" at each other and singing about the angels watching over us.
Our group has many talents, and so far we have all been able to work together very well. I think that pattern will continue. Thank the Lord for such a meaningful trip in so many ways. Tomorrow we will be doing our assembly again in Libertad. I think that those of us who have gone in years past will be looking forward to spending a little time in Libertad with some old friends.
Thank you all for your prayers, and keep them coming our way.
     - Carolyn

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