Monday, April 5, 2010

Mokattam Clinic ~ So much need!

The Mission team worked out of the Mokattam Clinic. Limited resources. limited help! The clinic serves the poorest area of Cairo ("Garbage City") by offering medical and dental care, medicine, eye glasses, education, attention, and hope.

The mothers there want the same things for their children that we want for ours. There is always a shortage of medicine. 

In the background is the steel door (light shining through). Throughout the day, we could hear children banging to get in. Only so many were allowed in at a time. It had to be that way in order to keep some type of control.  They love the clinic but not enough resources; not enough help.

Each day, the crowds grew larger. The word that the clinic was open was spreading. "Please let me in!"  "Please see my child!"

1 comment:

Hazel said...

Searcher, I am happy to hear that Muslims do not beat their wives. May we all live in peace and love♥